Okay. I am a bit upset right now. If you are reading this in the future, then just google 2024 usa elections.
How can that be that I am a minority in a sort-of "western" country, just by thinking that: No. Other people deserve rights too. I live outside of the US but since our government is very much pro-Trump and very fascist leaning, this affects me too. Not just because I have liberal values, but because some of my family members and friends are LGBTQ. I don't want to be the straight (passing) cis white male who took their rights away, but seems like my demographic is largely populated by mini Hitlers. (This is not true. And I know that diluting the definition of a nazi is bad.)
The main thing upsetting me is that some of my so-called peers in university do think that any "woke" (meaning: women, gay people, trans people, people of color, non-christian people) is bad. Like what. Isn't the main thing you supposed to do, based on their own religion, is to be tolerant and accepting? Like please give me the Bible passage where Jesus said that you are supposed to bully trans people. I was brought up as christian, but when I noticed that most of what they preach is not what they actually do, I decided to quit. There is no biggest hatred than christian love
But don't get it twisted. If being conservative was about prioritizing the economy and national values, I would not be this angry. But it isn't. For some GODDAMN reason they have to include taking away the rights of women, LGBTQ people, and any other minorities. And even sometimes pushing for their elimination. Jesus Christ.
My only hope is that Trump can't do the things he was planning to do and that in Hungary we can finally vote out the fucking Shit-desz. Even though that the largest opposition party here is not aligned well with my values, they are the only option if we want to hope for any change.
And I don't know who will read this or when. But remember, you are valued and loved. If your country hates you, I love you. Remember to live, because that's the biggest middle finger you can show your haters. That you are living and (if applicable) thriving.
Live. 2024-11-06
Thinking of buying a proper domain for this experiment. I want to include my online name "khaktos" maybe with a fun TLD
- khaktos.online
- khaktos.page
- khaktos.digital
These are my favourites. But I will think about it.
Maybe even get a proper host too? Nah. That would be way to serious for this silly project
Yea. 2024-10-21
Social media
I noticed that most social media is designed to make you angry. These algorithms that shape our opinions about the world are just there to increase your time in the app. To make you interact, to make you share, to make the idea spread. The more powerful the feeling the better. The best emotion to control people is anger. If you can make the user angry then you succeeded, they will react negatively which mean more clicks, more screen time, more ads being shoved in their faces, more money.
This is most pronounced in Twitter (or X as the idiots like to call it). If you either once click on something about relating to hatred about a group of people, it will always give you those posts. I noticed this because I am more of a leftist, and any post where there is something about conservatives being idiots the algorithm MAKES ME see it. In the old days I never blocked anyone, I was able to mentally block out these things and it was a bit amusing to see. But nowadays, maybe because I'm older or because I have more responsibilities it just annoying. I started blocking the most agregious people (and the bots, but that is another story), but then reactions to their posts get served...
There is no escape. Only if you remove yourself from the site completely. Which also sucks because these "web meeting places" are the best way to interact with likeminded people. Twitter is the site if you want to keep up with content creators, Reddit is like a modern forum for almost every niche, Facebook is for more personal connections... Not to mention if you want entertaining posts like memes.
This is another reason why I started this... "blog" I guess. I want to share thoughts without algorithms, without interaction bait, without ads, without giving others a platform to ridicule me. A safe place. A simple place. If anyone reads this. Please make something similar. Release yourself from the shackles of modern webdesign. Make something. To share art, to share thoughts, to share yourself.
Anyways. 2024-08-03
First "post"
Hey. So I decided to create a minimal personal site. Why? I don't really know. I just need a place to air out my thoughts and maybe connect with others. Mainly to archive my life, like a diary, but not as a daily thing. More like "I need to say this to the empty room or I will explode" thing
I did a similar thing when I the girl I liked at university told me she liked me back. That day I was so full of emotion that I needed some place to vent it all into. Then it was a google doc. Nowadays I would use something more presonal, like a hard cover notebook or "diary".
So that's why I am making this. Here I will write my frustrations, my love, my passion... Mostly stream of consciousness style. Maybe sometimes I will write something more structured. Like about my disdain of genAI, or about my pc setup or tech principles/preferences. But that has to wait for another day. Because I need to figure out a visual style for this thing :D
Bye. 2024-08-01